First Etherium Gameplay Video here to tickle your RTS buds

The article discusses the release of the first Ethereum gameplay video, providing a glimpse into the real-time strategy (RTS) game. Written by Nick Gillham, an avid video game enthusiast, the article highlights the excitement surrounding the unveiling of the Etherium gameplay footage.

Etherium is a highly anticipated RTS game that has garnered attention from gamers and critics alike. The gameplay video offers a preview of the game’s mechanics, graphics, and overall gameplay experience. As RTS games are known for their strategic depth and engaging gameplay, Etherium aims to deliver a unique and immersive gaming experience to players.

Nick Gillham, the author of the article, shares his enthusiasm for video games and his passion for discussing, writing, and experiencing games across various platforms. With a background in gaming that dates back to the Atari 2600, Nick’s insights into the gaming world add credibility to his coverage of the Etherium gameplay video.

The article also includes information about the author’s gaming preferences, such as being a “recovering WoW-holic” and enjoying a wide range of gaming machines. Nick’s dedication to gaming is evident in his continuous involvement with playing, discussing, and writing about games, showcasing his deep-rooted interest in the gaming industry.

Overall, the article serves as a detailed introduction to the Etherium gameplay video and provides readers with a glimpse of what to expect from the upcoming RTS game. As the gaming community eagerly anticipates the release of Etherium, Nick’s coverage offers valuable insights and perspectives on the game, catering to the interests of gamers and enthusiasts looking forward to diving into the world of Etherium.The provided code snippet contains a variety of jQuery functions and event listeners that enable different behaviors and interactions on a website. These functions are designed to enhance user experience, provide functionality like image handling, tooltip displays, equal height columns for layout consistency, and various hover effects.

Let’s break down some of the key functionalities highlighted in the code:

1. **Handling Images:**
– The script selects images on the page and renames them to include “@2x” for high-resolution displays.

2. **Styling Elements:**
– Adding specific Bootstrap classes to elements generated by WordPress to enhance their appearance.

3. **Lightbox Integration:**
– Enabling the Colorbox plugin for various elements such as featured images, galleries, and certain anchor links with specific file extensions.

4. **Enhancing User Interactions:**
– Implementing hover effects for different elements like boxes, trending links, more link effects, directory panels, and menus to improve user engagement.

5. **Tooltip and Popover Functionality:**
– Utilizing tooltip and popover features for elements with additional information.

6. **Responsive Layouts:**
– Ensuring equal height columns for specific sections based on the window size to maintain a consistent layout.

7. **Search Functionality:**
– Showing and hiding search boxes based on user interactions and enabling form submission on keypress events.

8. **User Authentication:**
– Providing login and registration forms with submission handling and toggle functionalities for showing and hiding forms.

9. **Submission Handling:**
– Implementing hover effects and submission actions for login and registration forms.

Overall, this JavaScript script plays a vital role in enriching the website’s functionality and user experience by providing interactive elements, visual enhancements, and responsive design features.

It’s essential to ensure that the functions are properly integrated into the website code and that any external dependencies, such as the Colorbox plugin or Bootstrap framework, are correctly linked for the script to work as intended. Regular testing and maintenance are also crucial to address any compatibility issues or bugs that may arise with updates or changes to the website structure.The provided script includes various jQuery functions to enhance the user experience on a website. Let’s breakdown some key functionalities:

1. **Back-to-Top Arrow**: The script ensures that a “Back-to-Top” arrow appears when the user scrolls down the page and disappears when they scroll back up. This feature makes it easier for users to navigate long pages.

2. **Smooth Scrolling**: Clicking on the anchor link “#top” will smoothly scroll the page back to the top.

3. **Show/Hide New Articles**: Clicking on a selector within the “#new-articles” section toggles the visibility of the post containers, providing a way to show or hide new articles.

4. **Sidecar and Sortbar Interactions**: The script includes hover effects for sidecar panels and sortbars to improve user interaction with these elements.

5. **Image Darkening**: Images within elements with the “darken” class are animated to change opacity on hover, creating a visual effect.

6. **Minisite Cloud Tabs**: Clicking on tabs within a section with the class “.sort-buttons” changes the appearance of associated icons, enhancing the tabbed navigation experience.

7. **Postnav Mouseovers**: Hovering over links in the “#postnav” section triggers a CSS class toggle for sibling elements, potentially indicating a related content area.

8. **Rating Animations**: The script defines an “animateRating” function for animated rating meters, which can be triggered with specific positions and delays.

9. **Social Media Integration**: External scripts from Pinterest and Facebook are included to enable social sharing and integration on the website.

10. **Window Load Function**: Various functions are called on the window load event, such as fetching Flickr feeds, initializing tabs for different sections, and adjusting column heights for a cleaner layout.

Overall, these jQuery functions aim to improve user engagement, aesthetics, and functionality on the website. By combining these interactive elements and visual effects, the site can offer a more dynamic and user-friendly experience for visitors.