MMM Takes the NFT World by Storm: A Look into the Open Source Code for pNFT Metaplex Collection Setup

Madergaser’s MMM project is a major milestone for the NFT world. The world of NFTs took another leap forward with the launch Coral Cube’s MMM collections.

The innovative AMM (Automated Market Maker), and collection setup are the core of this innovation. This was made possible by open-source code. This code provides a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the pNFT metaplex, and how royalties are enforced.

Madergaser enabled MMM collections offers for ME as a result. This includes MIP1 (pNFT support) support. The program ID is mmm3XBJg5gk8XJxEKBvdgptZz6SgK4tXvn36sodowMc and a sample TX can be found at the link provided.

AMM will dictate that the “taker”, or the person who takes the pool, will pay the royalties. This ensures the pool’s self-sufficiency. This is just one example of the amazing potential of NFTs in Solana.

Madergaser said, “If You’re not optimistic about the future NFTs in Solana, you are doing something wrong.” Solana Summer is upon us. MMM will lead the next wave of NFTs.